
Our education is backed by modern technology, it is future orientated and enjoyable. The teaching staff are highly competent and dedicated. Our learners are sought after and recruited by high schools throughout KZN.

Our school is situated in a safe area which offers the following:

  • The first phase of school is Grade R. The second phase is the foundation phase of grade 1 to 3. In the intermediate phase (grades 4-6) and senior phase (grade 7) learners are offered subject teaching.

  • Educational tours and day trips are regularly undertaken. Enrichment occurs through participation in national academic competitions.

Onderrig, gerugsteun deur moderne tegnologie, is toekomsgerig en genotvol. 

Die personeel is bekwaam en toegewyd. Engels word hoog aangeslaan en ons klasse is klein.

Op een veilige terrein bied ons die volgende: 
  • Die eerste fase is graad R. Die tweede fase is die grondslagfase van graad 1 tot 3. In die intermediêre fase (graad 4 tot 6) en die senior fase (graad 7) word vakonderrig aangebied. Ons leerders word met ope arms verwelkom in hoërskole regoor KwaZulu-Natal.

  • Opvoedkundige toere en dagtoere word gereeld onderneem. Verryking vind plaas deur deelname aan nasionale akademiese kompetisies.